Ifell How To Know If I Brokje A Bone If Someone Fell From A Great Height What Would Be The Actual Injuries?

If someone fell from a great height what would be the actual injuries? - ifell how to know if i brokje a bone

Suppose you fell from the tower HLI.
1. Alive until they reach the ground - or, if you crash before?
2. Legs broken if the land on their feet?


Pranay C said...

Much depends on how much ur gr8 ...
Arnold and if the person's fall into a Hollywood movie, not even break their legs ....

Jared Z said...

Speed does not kill. Acceleration / deceleration.

Of course you would be receptive to the headland casue your body slowly to a very high level.

Even if you randomly at the foot of a fall) by the height (aprroximately 1000 m country, you are well over 100 miles per hour. Not survive the sudden deceleration of more than 100 km / h to 0 in less than a second. This means that you are not one of the supporting structure of the tower on the ski slope.

It's simple physics.
mgh = (1 / 2) mv ^ 2
gh = (1 / 2) v ^ 2
v ^ 2 = 2GH
V = sqrt (2 Ghz)

g = 32 m / s ^ 2
h = 1000 m
v = 253 m / s = 172 mph
(although the terminal velocity of a person who falls, is only about 120 km / h)

Mastermi... said...

. Still alive until they reach the ground - or, if you crash before?

They die before impact. The wings of the wind in your hair is lethal for most people. When the wings of the wind in your hair, do not kill, cause that is the sudden change in altitude the air from the lungs to expand so that it will go off to the coast to splinters and killed.

"2 does not break your legs when you land on your feet?"

It depends on how you fall. You can break your legs, dislocated hips, broke his pelvis and back are most likely to break if you fall from high enough.

idaboss said...

broken legs and broken tribes would be forced to cut his stomach through his vital organs, then the weight of time, the top of the speed of his fall was mercilessly crushed into the ground hard and cold, so I probably could contribute to premature death. Good luck with the tour

Ellis said...

Death in general, but there are exceptions. Of course, you have broken bones and internal injuries due to impact forces. Discover the source of an incredible exception to the rule.

Ellis said...

Death in general, but there are exceptions. Of course, you have broken bones and internal injuries due to impact forces. Discover the source of an incredible exception to the rule.

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