Celexa Alternatives And Duprex Alternative To Celexa That Won't Make Me So TIRED?

Alternative to Celexa that won't make me so TIRED? - celexa alternatives and duprex

I go for a good anti-depressants for at least 2 years.

- I have my mother (my best friend in the world) for cancer
- I have 4 days before my job, because he did not receive extended leave of absence
- I had no health insurance to go help
- Can the unemployment because technically TX decided to "Quit".
- Seven months of unemployment, I burn through almost all my savings
- If there is no movement in the house son of my partner's (where I live), which has caused problems in relationships
- Do you have a job that is a kind of dull and boring.
- Purchased my house is a bottomless pit

Finally I went to my doctor to talk to talk about it, and he prescribed Celexa. I'm there a week and it's a love-hate relationship with drugs. I'm) more irritable and ready to learn something (as always, all the red lights on the way to work. I'm not ready for the ball at the drop of a hat well. I miss my mother, but not see the show to catch the last breath the whole time ... I am not so pessimistic and do not knowall the luck.

Side-effects ... tired. I get enough sleep! It's getting really hard to stay awake out of bed in the morning and very hard at work. It seems that I'm stoned all the time. Is there another medication I will not take make me so tired?

The decline is not an option. I've tried to let time heal these questions, but it was time to bite the bullet and get help.


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